Monday, June 13, 2011

Summer Time!

Well we took our first trip of the summer!  Woo Hoo!  We always have fun when we go to Seattle.  The family photos may not always turn out but we have fun taking them.  lol

This one was taken at the Woodland Park Zoo.  As you can tell with five boys it's very hard to get them all to look at the camera at the same time.  This one was the most decent one that I took.  At least I had two of them looking at me. 

This one was taken at Dash Point State Park near Tacoma.  Here we have the gazer who it probably watching the girls that were running on the beach behind me.  Next to him we have my little ham & cheeser.  Next up is our little Rock Star.  He says he's a metal head but enjoys Ke$ha a little too much.  lol  The last two...If WWE had a toddler division these two would be the champs! 

Cupcake Royale is the ONLY reason my hubby ever agrees to go on family trips to Seattle.  The two on the left are Red Velvet and the two on the right are Salted Caramel.  I would have taken a picture of my Raspberry Rhubarb cupcake but *someone* who will remain nameless ATE it all!  I said "taste this" and ran off to catch #3 & #4 as they were locking #5 outside of the gate.  Sadly I can't tell you if it really tasted like Raspberry & Rhubarb. 

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